Case Study

Teck Resources

Fast Stats
Media hits
Stakeholder Events Executed
The Ask:

In Spring 2021, Teck Resources turned to Talk Shop to develop and execute an annual communications strategy for the Copper & Health Program aimed at promoting the efficacy of antimicrobial copper in combating the spread of bacteria and viruses.


Our Approach:

Talk Shop developed and executed a complete strategy that included media relations, corporate and internal communications, strategic partnerships, speech writing, events, creative services, public activation campaigns, social media, website and video production.

Results & Reaction:

Talk Shop exceeded all communications goals and oversaw the successful announcement of dozens of partnerships and initiatives over the course of a one-year period. Our work resulted in 255 media hits, 90.4M impressions, more than 15 videos and 15 events. We were retained as an agency of record for Copper & Health into year two of the program and began work on other programs at Teck.